Sunday, December 21, 2008

The Summer Tree by Guy Gavriel Kay

First sentence:

"After the war was over, they bound him under the Mountain."


"It all began with a lecture that introduced five university students to a man who would change their lives, a wizard who could take them from Earth to the heart of the first of all worlds -- Fionavar. And take them Loren Silvercloak did, for his need -- the need of Fionavar and all the worlds -- was great indeed.

And in a marvelous land of men and dwarves, of wizards and gods -- and of the Unraveller and his minions of Darkness -- Kimberly, Dave, Jennifer, Kevin, and Paul discovered who they were truly meant to be. For the five were a long-awaited part of the pattern known as the Fionavar Tapestry, and only if they accepted their destiny would the armies of the Light stand any chance of surviving when the Unraveller unleashed his wrath upon the world. . . ." -- from the back cover

My thoughts:

I enjoyed this fantasy which started in this world and continued in the world of Fionavar. I especially liked how each character had his or her own skills to learn and challenges to overcome. I look forward to learning what happens next in the Fionavar Tapestry in The Wandering Fire.

Date read: 11/27/2008
Book #: 83
Series: Fionavar Tapestry, #1
Challenges: Celebrate the Author Challenge, Fall into Reading Challenge 2008
Rating: 3*/5 = good
Genre: Fantasy

ISBN-10: 0451451384
ISBN-13: 9780451451385
Publisher: Roc
Year: 1992
# of Pages: 383
Binding: Mass Market Paperback
LibraryThing Page

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