Tuesday, December 30, 2008

See Delphi and Die by Lindsey Davis

First sentence:

"'Marcus, you must help me!'"


"Falco and Helena hear that a young girl and a newly-wed woman, both Roman visitors, have been murdered at Olympia; the authorities will not investigate property, so Falco steps in. After making himself unwelcome at the hidebound sanctuary, he soon finds himself up against Seven Sights, its absentee tour-guide and its mixed bunch of customers, some of whom have things to hide.

The search for culture is far from genteel - and it can be very dangerous. Both the bridegroom and Helena's brother go missing in the birthplace of myth, as Falco and Helena struggle with a case that may contain worse features than any they have dealt with yet. . ." -- from the back cover

My thoughts:

This was a good mystery with a mix of humor and history as Falco, his wife Helena, and various family members go to Athens, Olympia and Delphi, Greece. I look forward to reading the next book in the series, Saturnalia.

Date read: 12/15/2008
Book #: 89
Series: Marcus Didius Falco, #
Rating: 3*/5 = good
Genre: Mystery

ISBN-10: 009944528X
Publisher: Arrow Books
Year: 2005
# of pages: 354
Binding: Mass Market Paperback
LibraryThing page

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