Friday, February 29, 2008

Fire Me Up by Katie MacAlister

First sentence:

"'You'd think that Hungary would see the light as far as secondhand smoke is concerned, wouldn't you?'"


"I'm Aisling Grey, and apparently I'm irresistible....

Being quite the novice Guardian/Keeper of the Gates to Hell, I've decided to get in touch with my otherworldly self by attending a convention of supernatural beings in Budapest. For my other career as a courier (with a somewhat tarnished reputation), I have to deliver a priceless amulet to a hermit, much to the amusement of Jim, my wisecracking furry Newfoundland demon. He should be happy that I was able to squeak through customs with a talking dog....

And guess who just happens to be staying at the same hotel as I am? Drake. You remember him. The wyvern of the green dragons? My so-called 'mate'? The man who literally fires me up and makes me act like a lovesick schoolgirl? That Drake.

Meanwhile, mortal men are falling at my feet. I don't know if it's the Hungarian air or what, but it's downright embarrassing. All I want to do is find a Guardian mentor to help me control my powers. Should be easy -- except that every Guardian I meet with winds up dead. I'm starting to get a complex...."

My thoughts:

This book had a good mix of paranormal romance and mystery with demons, ghosts, and dragons thrown in. I liked the interaction between characters Aisling, Jim, Drake, Tiffany and Nora. I also liked how Aisling figured out the Guardian murders while trying to keep her dignity intact.

Date read: 2/25/2008
Book #: 12
Series: Aisling Grey, Guardian #2
Challenge: Series Challenge
Rating: 3*/5 = good
Genres: Paranormal Romance/Mystery

ISBN-10: 0451214943
ISBN-13: 9780451214942
Publisher: Signet
Year: 2005
# of Pages: 352
Binding: Mass Market Paperback
LibraryThing Page

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