Thursday, June 21, 2007

The Wooden Sea by Jonathan Carroll

First sentence:

"Never buy yellow clothes or cheap leather."


"From the moment a three-legged dog limps into the life of Police Chief Frannie McCabe and drops dead at his feet, McCabe finds himself in a new world of disturbing miracles. His small town of Crane's View, New York has long been a haven of harmony and comfort--but now he finds himself afflicted by the inexplicable, by omens that converge to throw his life into doubt. And what he does over the next few days may have consequences for the whole world . . ."

My thoughts:

I found this book to be funny, weird and overall engaging. I liked the characters, especially Frannie, Gee Gee and George.

Date read: 6/12/2007
Book #: 47
Genre: Fiction
Rating: 3* = good

ISBN-10: 0765300133
ISBN-13: 978-0765300133
Publisher: Tor
Year: 2002
# of Pages: 304
Binding: Trade Paperback
LibraryThing Page


Anonymous said...

Carroll writes one of the great daily blogs too on his website


krin said...

Thanks for the link!