Saturday, April 12, 2008

Faerie Tale by Raymond E. Feist

First sentence:

"Barney Doyle at at his cluttered workbench, attempting to fix Olaf Andersen's ancient power mower for the fourth time in seven years."


"When successful screenwriter Phil Hastings decided to move his family from sunny California to ramshackle farmhouse in New York state, the old Kessler place seemed like an ideal base from which to pick up the threads of his career as a novelist. But the Kessler place was originally known as Erl King Hill - 'Hill of the Elf King'. Soon Phil's wife and daughter, and their two mischievous eight-year-old boys, began to sense that strange presences were moving in the centuries-old wood that tangled around their new home like the enchanted web of a huge, malignant spider...

Faerie Tale is a major work of the imagination in which a master of modern fantasy turns his pen to the timeless worlds of ancient Celtic myth - and the unspeakable terror that lurks beneath the ordered surface of modern everyday life." -- from the back cover

My thoughts:

This was a good dark fantasy set in the modern day. I liked the intermixing of Celtic mythical creatures with twentieth century people. I especially liked how the twins Patrick and Sean learn how to cope in the faerie world.

Date read: 3/25/2008
Book #: 20
Rating: 3*/5 = good
Genre: Fantasy

ISBN-10: 0586071393
ISBN-13: 9780586071397
Publisher: Voyager
Year: 2001
# of Pages: 489
Binding: Paperback
LibraryThing Page

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