Wednesday, July 18, 2007

Something from the Nightside by Simon R. Green

First sentence:

"Private eyes come in all shapes and sizes, and none of them look like television stars."


"John Taylor is not a private detective per se, but he has a knack for finding lost things. That's why he's been hired to descend into the Nightside, an otherworldly realm in the center of London where fantasy and reality share renting space and the sun never shines.

For John Taylor, there's no place like home..."

My thoughts:

I enjoyed this gritty mix of mystery, horror, and fantasy set in a hidden world close to our own. There were times when I could anticipate what would happen, and other times when I was totally surprised. I look forward to the next book in the Nightside series, Agents of Light and Darkness.

Date read: 7/18/2007
Book #: 63
Rating: 3* = good
Series: Nightside, #1
Genre: Urban Fantasy

ISBN-10: 0441010652
ISBN-13: 9780441010653
Publisher: Ace Books
Year: 2003
# of Pages: 230
Binding: Paperback
LibraryThing Page

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