Sunday, June 30, 2013

Room by Emma Donoghue

First sentence:

"Today I'm five."


"To five-year-old Jack, Room is the world. It's where he was born, it's where he and his Ma eat and sleep and play and learn. At night, Ma shuts him safely in the wardrobe, where Jack is meant to be asleep when Old Nick visits.

Room is home to Jack, but to Ma it's the prison where she has been held for seven years. Through her fierce love for her son, she has created a life for him in this eleven-by-eleven foot space. But Jack's curiosity is building alongside Ma's own desperation--and she knows that Room cannot contain either much longer.

Room is a tale at once shocking, riveting, exhilarating--a story of unconquerable love in harrowing circumstances, and of the diamond-hard bond between a mother and her child." -- from the back cover

My thoughts:

This was a very powerful and moving book! I liked the characters' interaction, especially between Ma and Jack as first she protects him from Old Nick and then how she prepares him for a much wider world.

Date read: 6/29/2013
Book #: 17
Rating: 4*/5 = great
Genre: Fiction

ISBN-10: 0316223239
ISBN-13: 9780316098328
Publisher: Back Bay Books
Year: 2010
# of pages: 321
LibraryThing page

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