Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Murder in the White House by Margaret Truman

First sentence:

"The radio on the helicopter was tuned to the tower frequency, and the crisp metallic voices said Air Force One was on final approach long before anyone could see it."


In a town where the weapon of choice is usually a well-aimed rumor, the strangling of Secretary of State Lansard Blaine in the Lincoln Bedroom is a gruesome first. White House counsel Ron Fairbanks is ordered to investigate. There are persistent rumors that the Secretary was an accomplished womanizer with ties to a glamorous call girl. There is also troubling evidence of unofficial connections with international wheeler-dealers.

In death as in life, Blaine is a power to be reckoned with. For Fairbanks, who loves the President’s daughter, one point is soon clear: only a few highly placed insiders had access to the Lincoln Bedroom that fateful evening. And one of them was the president. . . . -- from Amazon.com

My thoughts:

I liked this first book in the "Capital Crimes Series". I enjoyed meeting the characters as well as trying to figure out who killed Blaine.  I look forward to reading the next book, Murder on Capitol Hill.

Date read: 5/27/2013
Book #: 11
Series: Capital Crimes Series #1
Rating: 3*/5 = good
Genre: Mystery

ISBN-10: 0446310700
ISBN-13: 9780446310703
Publisher: Warner Books
Year: 1980
# of pages: 252
Binding: Mass Market Paperback
LibraryThing page

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