Sunday, September 6, 2009

Denial by Keith Ablow

First sentence:

"I shot up, sweat dripping down my face."


"He's in deep.

A series of grisly murders has forensic psychiatrist Frank Clevenger on the case of a lifetime and the fight of his life against a brutal killer with a horrific trademark and his own howling demons of sexual compulsion, self-destruction, and. . . denial." -- from the back cover

My thoughts:

At first I wasn't sure if I would like the book as the main character, Frank Clevenger, was not the most likable person. But as the story progresses and Frank has to both solve the crimes and face the reason he tends to self-destruct, I got more interested in how the story would end. I look forward to reading more about Frank and his friends and enemies in the next book, Projection.

Date read: 9/4/2009
Book #: 44
Challenge: 999 Challenge
Series: Frank Clevenger, #1
Rating: 3*/5 = good
Genre: Mystery

ISBN-10: 0312965966
ISBN-13: 9780312965969
Publisher: St. Martin's Paperbacks
Year: 1997
# of Pages: 358
LibraryThing page

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